Never Miss an Inspection Again, Get visibility of Upcoming and Overdue Inspections Monthly, Annual, 6 Yearly etc. Alerts are sent Automatically Sent, Weekly, Monthly etc.
Track Fire Safety Equipment
Track each Fire Extinguisher and its Location. Easily Record the Movement of a Fire Extinguisher from one Location to Another By Scanning it with the Mobile App. Know When Fire Extinguishers are Out for Repair.
Use Any Barcode
Companies can Scan their Current Barcodes or Can Apply New Barcodes/QR Codes to their Fire Safety Equipment. Damaged Barcodes can be easily replaced with no Impact on the History of Inspections that were Performed.
Action Tracking
Generate Actions Due to Inspection Failures, Allocate them to the Appropriate People, with Due Dates, Email Alerts for Over Due Actions. Dashboards Show On Time Close Rate Performance and Open Actions.
Dashboards Aid Compliance
Dashboards give Inspections Completed, Due by Location, Month, to aid compliance with NFPA, Joint Commission. Easily Track Deficiencies By Regulatory Codes to Improve Safety.
Manage, Schedule Fire Extinguisher Inspections
Manage the inventory of Fire Extinguishers or Inspection Points across all Facilities. The Next Inspection Due is Automatically Scheduled using A Fully Customizable Frequency of Days, Weeks, Months or Years.
See how to Easily Manage Fire Extinguisher Inspections